She - Andrea Lewis

So, how did this song find it's way into my library? Side-note, I first knew Ms. Lewis as Hazel Aden from Degrassi: The Next Generation. I was a huge fan during my high school days. I remember her being in a band on the show called Hell Hath No Fury, but as my memory recalls, she didn't have much singing time, which is a shame! I had no idea she could sing.
Fast forward some years to where I have a Twitter account that follows @thosegirlsarewild (which she manages with her BFF Shannon Boodram). It was the fall of my 2L year in law school and I needed some new MUSEic to get me through exam period. I saw some tweets, found some links, and the free download of 54321 began; I love free music. That fall, "She" was definitely on rotation:
...She don't love ya like I love ya
Don't love ya like I love ya
She don't love ya like I love ya
I'm thinking we
Could take a little time away
Where we could be free
Everybody's got their own opinions
Bout what we doing wrong
They're trying to figure out
What I already know...
That's just a snippet and you can listen in full below. To me, this is the other woman's anthem haha. It's kind of like the "good" kind of infidelity though. You know, the kind you see on Scandal every week where you know it's wrong, but you empathize with those characters because they share real love. In this song, I think this is more of a gf/bf situation instead of a husband/wife scenario. Thankfully, I haven't been in this situation. However, who hasn't seen a man/woman that you care about and have wondered why they're in a relationship with a particular person? Especially when you know you'd be a better fit. Either because the woman isn't caring/considerate/ambitious/of substance etc. But, I digress; that's just how I related to the song. Enjoy!