I Wanna Love You

"I wanna love youuuu, I wanna hold youuuu, I wanna kiss youuuu, I wanna hug youuuu..." 

Oh the sprung phase of love.  

I think I was on the late bus when it came to Ms. E. Darlings aka my oldest sister's semi doppelganger. I bought this album from iTunes during the high of the "American Boy" phase. Ironically, that song isn't even in my library! I notice that when certain singles are really popular, I usually don't buy them or they end of being the least played tracks in my library. 

Anyways, this song is such a contrast to this cold and dreary day in the bay. There's such a sultry summertime vibe which I need right now. I can just imagine this song being played in a movie right in the beginning of the relationship between the two love interests. If music be the food of love...


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